What is the inspection process for a Clew Winch?
The inspection process for Thern Clew Winches is found in our product manual. The manual details both general maintenance and a detailed inspection process. An Inspection Checklist is included to aid the process and ensure the inspection is complete and properly documented.
A general inspection includes examining the winch’s overall condition for wear, checking for oil leaks, loose or worn fasteners, proper brake function, as well as listening carefully for unusual noises emitted during winch operation. The condition of the wire rope drum and the haul line(s) should also be carefully checked for unusual wear.
In addition to inspecting the Clew Winch itself, Thern recommends all stage rigging equipment be inspected in accordance with ANSI, E1.47, Recommended Guidelines for Entertainment Rigging System Inspections. The guidelines help determine what to inspect, how often to inspect, and whether a Level 1 or Level 2 inspection should be performed.
Contact Thern Stage Equipment at 800-553-2204, or 507-474-0203, to learn about professional rigging inspection services in your area.
For more details on our clew winch, please visit http://thernstage.com/hoists/clew-winch/.